The Spiritual Girlie…

There was never an “ah ha” or defining moment where I’d realized that I was different. I’ve always known who I am and what I was. But in trying to fit in with society and expectations thrust upon me, I numbed myself and my gifts for a very long time. But, the funny thing about life and this journey, is that there’s no stopping what’s supposed to be, no matter how firm we think we have our heels dug into the ground.

“We can do this the hard way or the easy way.”

And believe me, that hard way, was HARD.

So, after reaching my breaking point, I’d decided to do something different, and take the easy route (meaning, let be…be).

Like most psychics, I came to a point in my life where the protective dome I’d built around myself was crumbling because it could no longer keep my gifts contained (growth stops for no one, no matter how much you try to ignore it). Luckily for me, I found a Spiritual Mentor who took me under his wing, stripped me bare, and built me back up.

Through intensive training I learned that it’s okay to be weird and different (because who wants to be a cookie cutter version of themself anyway? Not me!). I learned patience. I learned to let go and surrender. I learned discernment. I learned that it’s okay to be wrong and the world won’t stop because of it. I learned confidence. I learned how to have fun. I learned that there’s magic all around me. I learned to trust who I am and what I’m experiencing. And most importantly, I learned (remembered) who I am and what I am.

So, hello, my name is Aliya and I’m a psychic ( I can see past, present, future), I’m a medium (your spirit guides, loved ones who’ve passed on, pets, and entities around you have a lot to say and they like saying it to me lol) and empath. I would love to help you on your spiritual journey through this human experience.

What can I say? My journey has been long and awesome but I wouldn’t have it any other way.